The Elysée Palace is the heart of the Presidency of the French Republic. It supports and assists the President in the execution of his duties.
The President is the guardian of the constitution. He ensures the proper operation of public authorities and the State presence. He is responsible for the national independence, territorial integrity and respect of treaties.
The very pulse of the state, led by a hyper-busy office, the Presidency of the Republic is a well oiled machine that absorbs and generates a lot of information . So much so that the traditional tools like email and shared folders are over-used. In the interest of collective effectiveness, it was necessary to provide an anchor for all these information exchanges. Deprived of collaborative features, the existing intranet won poor adhesion from users. Apart from a people directory and an entertainment booking service, the contents were often judged to be limited and somewhat updated. The redesign of the intranet to add a modern collaborative and social dimension has been initiated with the aim of facilitating the exchange and promotion of information. The IT department also wanted to reduce email volume and encourage the digitization and preservation of electronic files.
Why eXo?
Previous studies had convinced the IT department of the merits of eXo solution. Tailored for collaboration, comprehensive, integrated but open, modern and user-centric, eXo Platform has all the necessary assets required by the Presidency.
While benevolence towards innovative French companies influenced the Presidency to request eXo, the professionalism and availability of eXo contacts ultimately convinced decision makers.
Some of our users are constantly on the move in France or abroad, so being able to access all the collaborative functions of eXo via their secure smartphones is a key to its adoption.
Didier Calizzano - Deputy CIO
The impact
eXo Platform Spaces have proven to be very popular. For example, craft personnel who handle things like gardens, ancient furniture or silverware were most eager to share their passion in a space entitled "Life of the Palace". Often caught up in intense activity, the 800 employees of the Presidency can find a soothing interlude that reinforces their esprit de corps.
When preparing events outside the presidential palace, inspections and preparations are made on-site: exits, height of desks, protocol checks, etc. All this information - previously exchanged chaotically by SMS or email between the services concerned - is now collectable in collaborative spaces. A simple photo or document sharing tool on mobile eXo allows the organisation to centralize information and provide a common discussion space. The efficiency gains are considerable.
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