A single, unified intranet portal for all business applications and data, feeding multiple extranets
Caixa Bank is the second largest bank in Brazil, employing some 20,000 people across the country and owned by the federal government. Besides functioning as a regular savings accounts and compensation bank, Caixa is responsible for federal government social programs, such as social security, retirement, unemployment insurance, real state credit and many charity projects.
Caixa required an intranet to serve its 20,000 employees working in multiple agencies across the country. It needed to integrate all of its business applications and data in a single platform - BPM Insight, ERP, applications for managing investments, savings accounts information, insurance les, credit applications and les, etc. Employees would need to be able to access everything through a unied portal interface.
The intranet also needed to function as a collaborative learning environment for Caixa employees, with the focus mostly on IT professionals.
Finally, Caixa wanted to build several extranets for its retail clients. These would allow the clients to access their account information, apply for different types of aid and credits, and access company information.
Due to the obviously sensitive nature of the data being stored and handled, robust security protection was a key requirement for all the projects.
Why eXo?
An open source application that fully satised charge test and security requirements
Caixa initially chose eXo because it is open source and standards-based.
It appeared to be by far the best open source portal available with the features that Caixa wanted. In particular, it became clear during the proof of concept phase that eXo could integrate with all of Caixa’s business applications. For security reasons they also wanted to have perfect visibility and control over their system, and eXo was able to provide this.
Rodolpho Gobbi, CEO of 4Linux, an eXo Brazil SI partner that was Caixa’s technical contractor on the project.
In the POC phase, eXo easily passed charge tests (14 million users) and security requirements tests, delivering the expected results. This was instrumental in assuring Caixa of its abilities and the likelihood of overall project success, which led to the company choosing eXo for further projects.
The impact
Immediate improvement in employee collaboration with reliable security
The eXo portals have proved their worth in improving Caixa employee collaboration and communication. They see constant use and have become indispensible client management tools. They have also provided critical security protection.
All portals run perfectly and are used daily to facilitate client management. Caixa experienced a security attack on one of its sensitive extranets, but eXo prevented any security breach.
Rodolpho Gobbi, CEO of 4Linux, an eXo Brazil SI partner that was Caixa’s technical contractor on the project.
The 10 portals that Caixa runs on eXo include:
Cadun - a portal system for "bolsa familia", serving 20,000 users. It allows Caixa to store and manage social welfare applicants for public and bank authorities to review and manage.
Feirão - a portal allowing users to apply for housing credit and access their les - 2 million page visits a month.
SIPAN – enables the aggregation of all applications used by customer relationship managers in retail agencies across the country.
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